20th January 2013
This group of Hares was spotted on the outskirts of Sawdon on Mike's walk -
Janet Madders found the web site of 'The Hare Preservation Trust' and we submitted the information.
To follow the correspondence click on the panels below:

9th April 2013
Shigs? - Peeps? - or just Curley Coat Pigs
as spotted by 'The Tuesday Toddlers'
at The Grainary, Harwood Dale

21st April 2013
After a late start, causing us to cancel the Farndale walk on the 31st March, the Daffodils finally arrived

19th May 2013
Both walking groups were in Riccal Dale for the bluebells this week and they didn't disappoint
(the flowers that is!)
The groups met up at mid-day and again after the walk for tea, where Sue enjoyed a cream scone!

A walk in Riccal Dale

26th May 2013
The long walkers ventured into Dalby Forest
and entered the 'Enchanted Wood'
where some members discovered their

A beautiful place for lunch

31st May 2013
Members of the club taking advantage of the seat the club donated to Falsgrave Park in commemoration of our 75th Anniversary.
7th July 2013
The Tuesday Toddlers Trek
Harwood Dale to Whitby

We set off from Harwood Dale at 9.30am taking the path on the left a few yards up from Mill Inn. It took us through fields into Castlebeck Wood, Scar Wood and out onto Jugger Howe Moor. Mike led unerringly down to Jugger Howe Beck. The going got tough as we crossed the edge of Fylingdales Moor and Biller Howe Turf Rigg to reach the farm road that took us up to cross the A171 for some easier walking in the afternoon.
Graham took advantage of the natural resources to help him cool down in Rigg Mill Wood.
We all took advantage of man-made resources to help us cool down after arriving in Whitby at 4.45pm
14th July 2013
The day out to Pateley Bridge was enjoyed by all. The weather was good to us, it was sunshine all the way. The highpoint (literally) of the day was the visit to
August 2013
The short walkers were having fun in Driffield, Sleights and May Beck

One green bottom!!

25th Aug 2013-Lost in Wonderland

Dianne having a peep at the door in the tree

Fish 'n Chips after the last Thursday Evening Walk of the year
15th September 2013
It was a grey,damp start to the walk at Newton on Rawcliffe, but the weather faired a little and stayed dry 'til after lunch.
Afternoon tea was a real treat in the Tea Rooms at Middleton Post Office

not sure about the weather!" only Howard.......

.....and the ducks look happy!!

at Middleton Tea Rooms in Middleton Post office

13th October 2013
Both groups were walking in the Pickering area and took time to enjoy the activities in the town of the annual Pickering 'War Week-end'
27th October 2013
The walk set off from 'The Sir Tatton Sykes Memorial'
before taking us up Cottam Well Dale to a very dilapitated Church at it's head. Our path was to the left but before doing that we turned right to see this tree which has no inside to the extent that three of our members were able to stand inside

at the head of Cottam Well Dale

Sledmere Monument is a stone monument standing 120 feet high along the B1251 on Garton hill and is visible on the sky line for miles around. The monument was built in memory of the 4th Baronet, Sir Tatton SYKES by his friends and neighbours in 1865. The inscription reads, "Erected to the memory of Sir Tatton SYKES Baronet by those who loved him as a friend and honoured him as a landlord".
8th December 2013
We were at the Palm Court Hotel for our Christmas lunch
22 December 2013
We were all greatly cheered on our walk at West Ayton when Janet treated us all to her Sloe Gin at coffee break
1st January 2014
Our usual New Years Day walk was well attended but only two of our members braved the cold north sea!.
Everyone enjoyed the Fish and Chip lunch at Restaurant 55

Christmas Lunch 8th December 2013